Route Description
Wide Open, Hazlerigg, Brunton Road, Newbiggin Lane, Westerhope, Stamffordham Road, B6324, Ponteland Road, Throckley, B6528, Heddon-on-the-Wall, B6318 Military Road, Chollerford, Stop.
Back onto B6318, A6079, A68, Jedburgh, Stop. (75 miles.) (Petrol.)
A68 St Boswells, B6404, B6356 to Scott’s view, and onto Earlston, A68, B6362, A697, B6456 to Westruther, A6105 Gavinton, Crimson Hill, A6112 Coldstream, A698, Cornhill-on-Tweed, A697 Milfield, Stop.
A697 Wooler, Powburn, petrol at Wooler and Powburn 140 miles, from Powburn, Glanton, Whittingham, Callaly, Lorbottle Hall, Cartington, Thropton B6341 Rothbury. (160 miles.)