Down to County Durham

125 Miles

#Kirkley #Ogle #Whalton #Belsay #Wallridge #Ingoe #Matfen #Great Whittington #Corbridge #Hexham #Blanchland #Stanhope #Wolsingham #Hamsterley #Morley #Lowlands #Cockfield #Burnthouses #Keverstone #Staindrop #Gainford #Piercebridge #Ingleton #West Auckland #Tow Law #Lanchester #Leadgate #Ebchester #Hedley on the Hill #West Mickley #Stocksfield

Route Description

Leave Seaton Burn services on the old Great North road north.

Left on Berwick Hall road to Berwick Hill.

Right through Kirkley, Ogle and on to Whalton.

Left on B6524 to Belsay.

Right on A696 and quickly left on B6309 through Wallridge, Ingoe and Matfen on unclassified roads.

Right in Matfen through Great Whittington to join the Military Road (B6318).

Left at Stagshaw roundabout on A68, under the A69 to Corbridge. Right on Corchester Lane past Corchester Fort to Hexham.

Left over Tyne to coffee stop at Wentworth Wafé in Wentworth car park (parking free but may be limited).

Right onto Priestpopple turning left at the Tap & Spile pub onto B6306 all the way to Blanchland.

Leave over Meadows Edge to join B6278 to Crawleyside Bank.

Left on A689 through Stanhope to Wolsingham.

Right up Shull Bank to Hamsterley.

Right fork to Morley, Lowlands and right at junction to Cockfield. Left down to Burnthouses joining the A688 at Keverstone.

Right past Raby Castle to Staindrop.

Left on B6274 to Winston.

Left on A67 to Gainford onto Piercebridge. Turn left onto B6275 (Dere Street) stopping on left at Sam Turner & Sons café for lunch.

Left on Dere Street heading north. Left on B6279 through Ingleton to join A688. Right down to roundabout (petrol stop).

On through West Aukland to join A68 through to Tow Law. Right onto B6301 to Lanchester.

Left onto A691 to Leadgate.

Straight over roundabout to join B6309 to Ebchester.

Down over the Derwent to take right fork to Hedley on the Hill and down bank to West Mickley.

Left on A695 through Stocksfield.

right over Tyne to Bywell joining A69 towards Hexham.

Right at Styford roundabout to finish at Brockbushes Farm Shop and finish. (125 miles.)